Saturday, September 22, 2007

Preposterous Dan Brown quote of the week

"The lights over Langdon's head were brighter now, sterile. He was on some kind of examination table. He smelled astringents, strange chemicals. Someone had just given him an injection, and they had removed his clothes.

Definitely not gypsies, he decided in his semiconscious delirium. Aliens, perhaps? Yes, he had heard about things like this. Fortunately these beings would not harm him. All they wanted were his-

'Not on your life!" Langdon sat bolt upright, eyes flying open.

'Attento!' one of the creatures yelled, steadying him. His badge read Dr. Jacobus. He looked remarkably human.

Langdon stammered, 'I...thought..."

'Easy Mr. Langdon. You're in a hospital.'

The fog began to lift. Langdon felt a wave of relief. He hated hospitals, but they certainly beat aliens harvesting his testicles."


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahaha, gold!

These are the highlight of my week, keep them a-comin'!