This is a picture of a kotatsu:

What's that, you ask? (Or, rather, somebody asked. Probably. Once)
A kotatsu is a low table frame covered with a heavy blanket and table top which is heated from below, and its also where I've spent the majority of my time since returning from the States. Why? Aside from the obvious reasons of comfort and general sloth, it's likely something to do with the dotted line I signed last week and my looming job search in the fall. While I can't necessarily defend such laziness, especially with a 10k to run in Tokyo at month's end, I
can at least report that I've spent my time under the glow engaged in a number of productive activities. Namely:
- catching up on blu-ray releases from the past year
- playing out any number of Super Bowl scenarios in Madden 10, including one in which Jeff Blake returns to the Saints and leads his team to victory after an injury to Drew Brees
- waiting for someone to call and offer me a job based on my enormous talent and word-of-mouth press
- eating pickles from a large and overpriced jar purchased from Costco in Kobe
- theorizing about LOST
- yawning audibly
How I'm planning on breaking out of this self-imposed hibernation is still unclear, but I'm guessing it's going to take something extraordinary to coax me from the warmth. Like the Lion King musical. Or another jar of pickles. The only thing I know for sure is that I'm going to start looking for ways to ship this table home.
And I'm serious about that job.