Someone recently commented that, since I was back to writing, they hoped that I might post some thoughts about the passing of Michael Jackson. While the subject has probably already been broached far too many times already (and really, why read words when you can
listen), I've found myself with a few spare moments and an urge to bite. Here are, in no particular order, ten random thoughts on Michael Jackson:
1. Michael Jackson was like the guy in your high school class who excelled at all sports while you struggled to remain mediocre at your one. He was such a good dancer that it's easy to forget what a tremendous singer he was.
2. You know that part in
The Wedding Singer when Adam Sandler rips his friend for wearing his MJ outfit, and then he says "Say hi to your brother Tito"? Fair game, but in real life the friend probably would have gotten laid for wearing that jacket. The thing about Michael Jackson is that nobody can ever claim, "I knew all along he wasn't that great." For quite some time, MJ wasn't just cool, he WAS
cool (adj.
great; fine; excellent; socially adept).
3. Top 3 Michael Jackson Songs (personal preference, in descending order) - "Black or White," "Billie Jean," "Rock With You"
4. Most shamelessly awesome Michael Jackson music video (obvious answer divison) - "Thriller"
5. Most shamelessly awesome Michael Jackson music video moment - In "Beat It," white guy in diner pulls Asian girlfriend's hair and kisses her, prompting MJ to jump out of bed in a piano key t-shirt and stop the ensuing dance rumble with his awesomeness.
6. Tips for throwing a good dance party:
#1. Locate
Off the Wall record. Remove from sleeve. Play.
And some irrefutable truths...
7. Michael Jackson was and to this day still is the greatest entertainer in the history of music.
8. Every time a man steps onto hardwood wearing dress shoes and realizes he can slide back and forth, he feels instantly cooler because of Michael Jackson.
9. No one under the age of 30 would ever have heard of Vincent Price if it weren't for "Thriller."
And finally...
10. Regardless of how you feel about Michael Jackson as a person, his music is an undeniable part of the American DNA. Let him rest, but for the good of everyone, never do the same with his music.