Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Special powers

I usually like to keep the news pretty ho hum on here, but allow me a Kate Winslet moment here while I abandon all modesty. When I won my Aunt's Oscar pool last year for the first time, I figured I had gotten lucky. After all, it was my first full year away from the states since entering the pool and I had to rely more on guesses and illegal downloads than actual observation of Oscar "buzz."

When I hit on the first fifteen awards on this year's show, however, I started to second guess my logic. In total this year, I correctly guessed the winners in 22 of the 24 categories and scored a total of 275 of 300 possible points. Now I'm not a math major, but I think that's something like a 92% success rate, which in the grand scheme of me guessing things is Nadya Suleman crazy. I don't have all the answers, but I'm starting to feel like as long as I stay in Japan, I can't lose. And if you don't believe that, I've got $150 in crisp new bills (OK, in invisible savings account money) to prove it.

I'm just saying.

Make it rain.

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